Migiwa Orimo: Proximity of Syllables

Migiwa Orimo: Proximity of Syllables

Exhibition Details

Signage wall with panels

Installation view

In Broad Daylight (DHS monitoring words-2011) #1 & 2, 2017-19, 30 cyanotypes, typewriter corrective ink

In Broad Daylight (DHS monitoring words-2011) #2, detail, 2017-19

In Broad Daylight (DHS monitoring words-2011) #1, detail

The Report, 2016, 12 colored plaster panels and ink, 15.5x11 in. each

Absence #1-9, 2016-18, plaster panels and sumi ink, 14 x 11 in. each

Orimo, Migiwa - Absence #1-3, 2016-18, 3 of 9 plaster panels and sumi ink, 14 x 11 in. each

Sound Drawings (Harvard Sentences), 2017-19, 6 x 18 feet overall

Sound Drawings (Harvard Sentences) detail, 2017-19

Code, 2019, embroidery floss on linen, 40 x 17 inches

Code (detail), 2019, embroidery floss on linen

Installation view

Bird Blinds-Port, 2018, ink-jet print, 12 x 16 inches framed

Greetings (Surveillance), 2018, (72) 4 x 6 in. vintage postcards on museum board mat, white tape, 35.5x58 in. overall

Greetings (Surveillance) detail, 2018

Public Blinds, 2017, (12) 4 x 6 inch vintage postcards on museum board mat, white tape, 20x28 inches framed

Shot List (Censored Film), 2018 (above), and Fuin (Sealed), 2019 (below)