Wide Angle: Photography Out of Bounds

Wide Angle: Photography Out of Bounds

Exhibition Details

Signage wall with Christian Marclay's Telephones, 1995, film

Schieszer, Brett - Wanna go, where we can get some space, 2018, 6x12 & 6x3.25 ft.

West Gallery, installation view

West Gallery, installation view

West Gallery, installation view

West Gallery, installation view

West Gallery, installation view

Macuga, Goshka - Log Collage of Girl Drawing, 2008, wood, photograph, plexiglass, 60x30 in.

Wesley, John (l) - The Mouse Tells Jokes, 2002, Marilyn Minter (c) - AAGH!, 1992, and Sigrid Viir installation (r)

Burkhart, Kathe (l) - Go to Hell from the Liz Taylor Series (Suddenly Last Summer), 1989, Sigrid Viir installation (r)

Viir, Sigrid - Hans_55, 2016, installation view

Schieszer, Brett - Head on backwards, feet at funny angles (l), Smile before you want to (r), 2018, 10x10 in. both

Schieszer, B. (r) - And maybe you're just a little bit dappy, 2018, Rauschenberg, R. (l) - Untitled (2-14-81, For Terry), 1981

East Gallery, installation view

Nakadate, Laurel - Lucky Tiger Series, all 2009, type C prints with fingerprinting ink, 4x6 in.

East Gallery, installation view

Viir, Sigrid - Day 4, Sunday, 2014, pigment print on aluminum, 21 x 31 cm

Callahan, Harry - Collage of Women's Faces, c. 1956, collage, approx. 7 x 9 in.

Soleimani, Sheida - Ghawar Oil Field, Saudi Arabia, 2017, archival pigment print (c), Rick Mallette (l & r)

East Gallery, installation view

Soleimani, Sheida - Inauguration (United States, Iraq), 2016, and Trapping Season (Saudi Arabia), 2017

Families Create!

More Info for Gallery Talk: Carissa Barnard
Sept. 26, 2018
Weston Art Gallery

Gallery Talk: Carissa Barnard

Sept. 26, 2018
Weston Art Gallery

Gallery Talk: Carissa Barnard

Weston Art Gallery
Event Starts 7:00 PM