

A Special Show of 100 Weston Art Gallery Exhibition Posters Designed by Scott Bruno

Exhibition Details

poster for House in My Head (summer 2010), designed by Scott Bruno

poster for Stacked (fall 2000), designed by Scott Bruno

1. entrance - side

2. west gallery - north wall

3. west gallery - west wall

4. west gallery - south wall and center wall

5. west gallery - south wall

6. west gallery - east wall

7. west gallery - office door

8. west gallery - center

9. west gallery - center wall

10. corridor

11. corridor - south wall

12. east gallery - south wall and corridor

13. east gallery toward corridor

14. east gallery - south wall

15. east gallery - east wall

16. east gallery - back

17. east gallery - east wall back

18. east gallery - north wall

19. east gallery - west wall

20. east gallery from corridor

21. entrance